A survey system built with Drupal 8.3.7. This video starts with a fresh Drupal installation and takes the viewer through to a completed survey system.
We step through the configuration of: Users, workflow, custom content, views, menu configuration and third party modules.
Towards the end, the video steps through customizing the default bootstrap theme, altering a default template, and finally backing up the site
Index of topics covered and timings:
00:00:00 - Specification
00:10:12 - Demonstrate Finished Site
00:13:37 - Install Drupal
00:18:20 - Install Administrator Modules
00:19:05 - Set Homepage to be a Basic Page
00:19:40 - Install Bootstrap Sub-theme
00:25:35 - Alter Date Format
00:26:35 - Install User Facing Modules
00:29:29 - Resolve Security Warning (XSS vulnerability)
00:31:38 - Block Layout
00:32:36 - Custom Content Types
00:34:59 - Taxonomy
00:40:54 - Menu System
00:41:56 - Views
00:49:18 - Users and Roles
01:19:45 - Workflow
01:19:45 - Style Bootstrap Theme
01:37:48 - Templates
01:58:11 - Backup Site
Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)